Anthony Giangiulio

Software Engineering · Computer Vision · Data Science · Machine Learning · Bioinfomatics · Remote Sensing



Hello and welcome to my professional webspace! I am Anthony Giangiulio, an experienced software engineer and M.S. alum of the University of Minnesota. Through my time at the university I've developed my background in data driven techniques and applied my skills across a broad range of applications (bioinformatics, computer vision, recommender systems, remote sensing, and others). I am a fast and flexible learner of new tools, techniques, and ideas; and strive to follow a path of lifelong learning. It is my hope to become involved in real world, data-intensive projects with engineers and non-engineers alike with meaningful impact.

Away from the keyboard I enjoy getting out as much as possible; whether that be cycling, roadtripping in my DIY camper conversion, backpacking, diving, or just checking out a new spot in the twin cities. I often find myself getting involved in new hobbies or projects and learning everything there is to know about them. I enjoy variety and keeping things fresh. This has led me to pick up activities like cooking, drawing, photography, electronics design, podcasting, and woodworking; among others.

Presented here are some of my academic works. I also encourage you to check out my resumé for details regarding my work experience and a run down of the specific tools I've used. Also included are contact details should you wish to reach out to me to schedule and inteview or have questions answered.

Academic Works

Biomarker Proposal

Biomarker Proposal

Gene Function SVM

Gene Function SVM

Gait Recognition

Gait Recognition

Article Classifier

CLT Article Classifier

Object Recognition

Object Recognition

Reads to Genes

Reads to Gene Function

Nei-Saitou Tree

Nei-Saitou Tree

LISP Solvers

LISP Solvers
